Sunday, October 13, 2013

John wins "All Around" trophy at Mack Mesa Airplane Rodeo. 10-5-2013, Peggy produces a 54 sec. movie.

Approximately 35 contestants from Colorado and several neighboring states turned out in Mack, Colorado for this popular annual event put on by airport owners Steve and Lexi Brown and airport manager Ladd Klinglesmith. It was a perfect fall day in western Colorado. 10-5-2013

This year the three events were as follows.

Spot Landing   Most pilots come in low and slow with power.

Zero Thrust   For example, pilot goes to zero power at 1,000 feet above the ground one half mile from the airport. The object is to finesse with angle of attack, air speed, flap, slip, and any other technique possible to land with touch down just past the line.                            
Landing Over Obstacle   The obstacle was a ribbon approximately 8 feet high. This ribbon was very close to the line which made it very difficult to get down.

John came in first in the spot landing and won the "Top Gun" all around trophy by placing the highest in all three events.

Does John look happy or what?  For a 54 second movie of his landings click on the link below.

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